Maya Bloom
Maya Bloom
Outward Bound is a tradition for Maya Bloom and her family. After her sophomore year of high school, Maya Bloom chose to partake in the Maine Sailing and Service Expedition. Maya Bloom believed that this was the right trip for her because it included more than one service project. Stopping at multiple islands, Maya Bloom would spend between 12 and15 hours each day restoring buildings or building new campsites. When the project was completed, Maya Bloom and her team ended up investing 150 hours in preserving small island communities off the coast of Maine.
Maya Bloom's Background
Maya Bloom's Experience
Member at MENSA
Present | Columbus, OH, USA
Maya Bloom is a dedicated member of the Civil Air Patrol Concord Composite Squadron Color Guard. Working as a commander with Civil Air Patrol for two years, Maya Bloom is a distinguished member of the team. Additionally, Maya Bloom was also the NCOIC (non-commissioned officer in charge) of training for two years, as well as a trainer at the inaugural color guard academy for the New Hampshire wing of the Air Patrol. Maya Bloom returned to them last fall to once again act as a senior level trainer.